Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

A Little Walk, A Little Work

  Cathy and I did a short walk on the North Country Trail today, but she also again helped me with some trail work. We hiked about 3 miles on the section that includes the Pere Marquette River. I never seem to get tired of this view. Pere Marquette River

We saw this nice patch of Indian Pipes, Monotropa uniflora. They are a parasitic plant (not a fungus) that has no chlorophyl. I guess I've most recently shown them to you after they have gone to seed. These are the flowers. I've seen quite a few this year, but most patches weren't this pretty.
Indian Pipe

The Northern Maidenhair Fern, Adiantum pedatum, grows thickly on the banks of the small creek with no name. It's not super rare, but it always seems like such a treat to me to find it. Northern Maidenhair Fern

The creek was flowing, although low. I like the patterns in the mud. pattern in mud

I liked the effect after I digitally played with it even more. pattern in mud

Cathy found a Minion rock! We hid it in a new place. rock painted like a minion

And we saw some little orange mushrooms. I haven't even tried to ID these. orange mushrooms

We spent almost as much time messing around with Carsonite posts as we did hiking. First we dug out one that was overkill since there is also a 4x4 marker post at that corner. Then we installed one brand new one at another road crossing. Finally, we dug out a damaged and badly marked one and then dug up the good one which was at that same road crossing, but in a hidden location, and moved it to where the other post had been. All stickers on these posts are now correct. Good accomplishment. If you care, this is where the NCT leaves South Branch Road, and you can now see this post. North Country Trail Carsonite post

In other news: I edited all morning. Since I got home, I've been working on getting the record-keeping up to date on all this work I've been doing with the posts. That has filled the whole day.

My NCT miles for 2021 is at 346, Cathy is at 49.5 for her Hike 100.

North Country Trail, Lake County, MI, S. Branch Road to 40th St and back. 3 miles total

See Berry Nice Hike


  1. All kinds of interesting sightings on this hike. That rock is cute.

  2. I haven't seen Indian Pipes in years.

  3. Ann- we found two, but this was the best.

    Stew- Some years seem better than others for them.

  4. Lulu: "Wow, that Minion must be in the witness protection program or something!"


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