Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Sunrise # 26758

  A spreadsheet can easily calculate that today was the 26758th sunrise I've had the potential to see. We know I haven't actually seen anywhere near that many. I'm trying to be increasingly grateful for each one I'm allowed. pink sunrise

I was sort of hoping the number would be more interesting. A prime number would have been awesome. But it is at least a number where no digit appears more than one time.

The day is all other news: I'm attending a virtual writers' conference- Midwest Writers' Workshop. Today is 4 Zoom meetings. That is about 3 over my daily limit, but I'm trying to be good and absorb the education. This is going to keep me nailed down for the next three days. I did some editing, and I did some analysis of my own writing based on things we learned today. I was pleasantly surprised to quantify that I've been doing some things right by instinct. Now I will know how to do them by design.

The sunrise three years ago, and off by one day, was surprisingly similar. Back to zooming for me.

See Color My World


  1. That is an impressive number.
    I don't know if I coul stay focused through zoom meetings. I suppose if the topic is interesting enough and it required a lot of participation.

  2. Ann- I have to keep telling myself that I can do this. Meetings where I am trapped in the chair on camera are just brutal.


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