Entries to Win Afghan

Friday, August 27, 2021

Adirondacks Day 3

  Today we split into two work crews. But both crews needed big rocks. Karen and I made a great team to end-over-end them out of the woods (after they were dug out) to the wide old roadway. rolling a rcck

Once there, mostly other people got them down to the work site, but somehow we ended up with a picture of me with the peavey. peavey on a rock

I was part of the crew that was building a 20-foot (much longer than usual, but we had to completely cross that old road) water bar. The other part of our crew was busy digging the trench for it. It got wider than need be because it wandered off a straight line which had to be fixed, so that was a little wasted effort, but we did everything else right. digging a trench

Once the trench was straight, we started laying rocks. That big honker at the upper end- Karen and I dug that one and tumbled it out of the woods. placing rocks in a water bar

Here, we still have to replace the soil around it, but this is the line of fitted rocks. I didn't take a picture that really shows how they are fit together. I'l try to remember to do that tomorrow. This is rather technical trail work, and I think we did a really good job with Adirondack rocks that typically are more round than angular. rocks in a water bar

This is just a pose with part of the water bar and most of the crew except for Deb who took the picture. I'd just like to say that these four people are 78, 69, 81, and 73. Are we tough cookies or what? Deb was the baby at 68. rocks in a water bar

The other team had a slightly different project. They built two step-over water channels. Here is part of their work. water channel on a trail.

We have to do some more filling around the bar tomorrow because of that wide trench, but we quit a little early today to hike up to an old grave site from when this was private property. This woman's family owned this whole area. We aren't sure if she died from the Spanish Flu epidemic, but the date suggests it's possible. Adrinodack grave

We found a couple large patches of this coral fungus. coral fungus

The weather was a little more tolerable today, and the mud was a little less sloppy. But the showers felt good. Then we had tacos and another campfire. Will be nice and cool for sleeping tonight.

The water bar was great fun, and I feel that we did a super-good job. I'm realy pleased!

See Day 2


  1. You are all tough cookies. I'm younger than all of you and every single one of you could out do me any time.
    The work is impressive

  2. Oh my. That is a HUGE project. I will never again complain that we had to rebuild the pond waterfall this summer. I thought that was backbreaking work! You are a tough bunch!


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