Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, August 18, 2021


  I'm pretty sure this is a late instar of a katydid. Om discovered it sharing the paper towel with his toast this morning. I think it came in on a flower I brought in and put in a vase because it was broken. katydid instar

Another view- after the photo shoot, it was returned to the outdoors to either eat or be eaten. katydid instar

With prep and travel and the event, I spent 15 hours on the Manistee County Fair. Sold a few books. Now the booth will be turned over to the other authors to staff for the rest of the week.

I took the scenic drive home, even though it was dark in hopes of catching the last of the sunset over Lake Michigan. I did get the absolute last of it! sunset

That's all the news, but I'm surprisingly not tired, and I think I'm going to do one more thing before crashing.

See A Good Day to be Green


  1. Well at least that little creature was sharing the paper towel and not trying to share the toast.

  2. Charlee: "Ooh, that looks like a fun little bug to play with."
    Chaplin: "I bet it's lime-flavored."


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