Entries to Win Afghan

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Mason County Garden Club Flower Show 2021

  I'm just going to show you some of my favorite plants and displays from the 2021 Mason County Garden Club Flower Show. Some of them took blue ribbons and some did not. This post is more about me liking them than their techinical merit.

This is a small show, because we are a small town, but a lot of effort goes into this. Mason County Garden Club

First, I give you a textured hosta leaf! No deer or slugs got anywhere near this. hosta leaf

This is Sambucus nigra, an elderberry, but this variety has very dark stems and leaves. I like it.
black elderberry

Euphorbia marginata, Snow on the mountain. snow on the mountain

This mixed bouquet is part of a table setting. It went perfectly with the china. mixed bouquet

And I liked this one a lot too. It's called "Solar Wind." Remember, the theme is The Solar System. One thing I think is so striking about it is that the yellow of the lilies is a really, really close tone match to the goldenrod. I find this remarkable. lilies and goldenrod

In other news: It was a good day at the vendor event in Holland, and I did really well, but I am beat. I think I'll be going to bed early.

See True Blue Gumby II


  1. I really like the look of that snow on the mountain.

  2. Ann- I do too, but it's known to cause an allergic reaction like poison ivy for some people, so I've never pursued getting friendly with it.


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