Entries to Win Afghan

Monday, November 15, 2021

Food is Done!

  I'm posting a little late because I wanted to finish this project. The food for the trip is DONE. 56 days worth of backpacking food, snacks for the whole rest of the year done as day hikes. It's all divided by sections of the trail, and who will deliver it. I get to cross off a HUGE item. tubs of backpacker food

To create the snack sets, I made them up by first combining trail shakes with other things because there are more shakes than anything. About 2/3 of the days I get one shake. Then I made sets with bar and not bar, fruit and not fruit, candy and not candy, and finally anything that was left that didn't give me two of the same thing on the same day.

Then I divided them up by month. This wasn't quite as simple as creating equal numbers. The salty snacks needed to be concentrated in the hot months. December needs the 5 backpacking days taken out. August in Minnesota will have more backpacking than any other state, so it got fewer of these snack packs because the snacks for backpacking are already with the backpacking food. tubs of backpacking snacks

Did you see the labels on the tubs above? I came up with 12 containers that aren't already in use- some not quite big enough- but they worked. Then I stuck on little month labels and started dividing them up. Random doesn't really work, because then you might get all the salty snacks and more shakes in October when you'd really rather have that kind of treat in July. And I didn't want to "accidentally" get most of the gorp in March, for example. Here are April - November. tubs of backpacking snacks The tubs are all labeled, top and one side, with what they are and who is bringing them. December-February is going with me when I leave. labeled tub of backpacker food

In other news: I worked on the trailer all afternoon and went to the store for more hardware. Maybe tomorrow I can cross another item off. We shall see.

Now 23 BIG ITEMS to complete (but you can be sure a few of them are simply going to not be done)- (39 done). 42 small ones to do (34 done). 15 days to go.

See Almost Food

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like the dividing and packing was as big of a job as making the food packets. Glad you have it done and crossed off the list.


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