Entries to Win Afghan

Monday, December 13, 2021

Full to Bursting - Day 13

  I had three hiking companions today, although only two are pictured here. Ryan and Bob started the day with me, and Bill joined us part way through. hikers

Loved finding this picnic table along the Thornapple Trail. Why? picnic table

I think it must have been purchased and placed there by the NCT. A long time ago, some branding irons were made to mark trail in the Sheyenne National Grasslands in North Dakota. One of them has made it back to Michigan and was used to mark this table. I love the subtle message that the NCT is there and is contributing. North Country Trail brand

Most of the day was gorgeous. The temperature rose to 53 degrees, the sun shone, and we were on natural trail in Barry State Game Area and Yankee Springs.
sun through pines

By some tricky logistics, an M-Live reporter hopscotched with us for the afternoon, shooting tons of video and pictures. At the end of the day he interviewed me for another block of time. There might be an article next week. reporter with camera

Last water feature of the day was Hall Lake, a beautiful blue in the sun. Hall Lake

Then we all went out to dinner, and I got back to the trailer just in time for a Zoom meeting. There were exercises and other chores to do. Now it's past hiker midnight, and I'm seriously headed for bed. Sorry that this is just a flat report of the activities, but I'm too tired to philosophize. The leg is holding its own.

Miles today: 16. Total miles so far: 185. Sue found 16 geocaches!

See Cared For


  1. Lulu: "Our Dada says that this hike with the companions who travel with you for part of the way at different times kind of reminds him of The Doctor taking people with him (or her) on 'Doctor Who'. So apparently you're an honorary Doctor now in Dada's book!"

  2. It's nice that you have friends to hike with you. I imagine it makes the time pass a little quicker.


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