Entries to Win Afghan

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Harsha Dam - Day 46

  Today I encountered the first real hills. I don't have my "hill legs" yet, but they weren't too bad. The best feature is Harsha Dam, which creates the lake at East Fork State Park. Harsha Dam

The lake is over 2000 acres, and we'll be in the area for a couple of days. Harsha Lake East Fork State Park It became operational in 1978, and the claim is that it has prevented over $87 million in flood damage. Harsha dam tower

Near the end of the day I encountered other hikers, and the guy is Joel, the Section Supervisor for the Caesar's Creek section of the Buckeye Trail! Sarah and Caroline are the other two hikers. They were headed for the same place I was, so we stayed together for a couple of miles. hikers

So, the actual hiking logistics news is that Denali and I will be hiking together for a few weeks now. We are ready! hikers

Today was a short day for me, in order to get us set up for the upcoming miles.

Miles today: 12. Total miles so far: 659.3

See Colonial Houses


  1. Hi Joan,
    Looks like beautiful scenery, plus meeting up with other like minded hikers must make for a very pleasant day. Enjoy your upcoming trek with your friend Denali.

  2. How nice to be meeting other hikers along the way.

  3. You look happy! Wishing you the best! Debi

  4. Looks like a great day - and fantastic you'll be hiking with Denali for a while. April


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