Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Hanoverton and....!!!! - Day 105

  Today, I walked through Hanoverton. Yes, this is where we ate last night, but I didn't want to blog about it until I hiked there. This is a village that was founded in 1813, and it became an important location on the Sandy and Beaver Canal which was begun in 1828. I'll talk a lot more about the canal another day, but this is a painting of the town as it supposedly looked in 1848. painting of Hanoverton Ohio

What is now known as the Canal Town District is on the National Register of Historic Places. Can you find this building in the painting? Hanoverton building

The Spread Eagle Tavern where we ate last night is included. It was one of the original buildings. Hanoverton 1813 building

The original kitchen fireplace inside is impressive. colonial fireplace

Abraham Lincoln once gave a speech there. It was also a safe place on the Underground Railroad. The historic district really looks much like the mid-1800s. If only you could get rid of the traffic signs and the cars!

The big news of the day is that the water has dropped at least 6 feet on Conotton Creek. Compare this picture with the same location from three days ago. Zoarville Station Bridge

The path was muddy, but the decking was dry. Now you can see the lovely lines of the bridge better. Zoarville Station Bridge

You know I couldn't let all that debris remain on the bridge.
cleaning Zoarville Station Bridge

Good riddance to bad rubbish!
cleaning Zoarville Station Bridge

The size of this stump on the bridge shows you how much water was above the guardrail for it to have washed over. debris on Zoarville Station Bridge

It took both Sue and me to do it, but we let the creek take that stump away! debris in Conotton Creek

I am on cloud nine tonight! I finally got to walk the bridge (twice- over and back). And I also got another super, super treat that I'll share when it's Sandy and Beaver Canal day.

Miles today: 16.7. Total miles so far: 1364.5

See Goodbye to Bill


  1. Yep, found that building in the painting. Back, center and to the right.
    Love the looks of that tavern.
    Glad to hear the water level has gone down and you could cross that bridge.

  2. Love that fireplace, and what a beautiful bridge. Glad it was a great day! April

  3. So glad you finally got to cross the bridge! We so enjoy your daily posts.


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