Entries to Win Afghan

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Time Out - Day 144

  I am down with a bad cold. That's all it is. Marie and I both tested negative for Covid. But I didn't hike today. Tomorrow is not looking good either. cold remedies

Back to sleep for me.

See A Halfway of Sorts


  1. Hope you recover quickly. Sendin positive thoughts your way.

  2. Oh no, hope you feel better soon

  3. I enjoy reading your posts; and how you find beauty in the small, insignificant things.

  4. We had a nasty cold going around here a couple of weeks ago. It took its toll on our energy, so rest was key to getting better. I hope you take a couple of days to rest. I hope you are back on the trail soon!

  5. Lulu: "Oh, we've heard there are nasty colds going around. We hope you feel better and get back out on the trail soon!"


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