Entries to Win Afghan

Monday, September 12, 2022

Resting - Day 286

  The only thing I did today that required any discipline was to write a newspaper article.

We read and played games. In the evening, we went to town to meet Michelle and Dave who are camped in the area and also doing some hiking. (Michelle helped me before Marie came). They took us out to dinner.

Tomorrow I hike. I think tomorrow on the SHT is relatively easy. But we will see how well I can do. There is supposed to be serious rain later this week. We'll see how that plays out as well. I thought about hiking today and taking one of the later days off, but I really needed a rest day.

See Kawishiwi Falls


  1. I need a rest too. I get busy looking up history and information about the places and people you post!

  2. Sounds like a nice relaxing day.

  3. Asylum- Hooray!

    Ann- it was great.

    Lulu- I'm not a fan of orange, but it's OK if Dada likes it. He's da Dada, right?


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