Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Rockin' the Hikin' - Day 331

  We did hike today. I just can't blow off these good weather days. We got a late start because I couldn't make up my mind about some logistics.

There is still some stunning color from time to time. We walked through a lot of land that had been logged today, and the young aspen and sucker oaks are still bright.
autumn aspen and oak

Looking for an attractive autumn wreath? How about a completely natural one?
red oak

We saw quite a few really large white pines yesterday and today. This picture was from yesterday, and I think we saw a couple even larger ones today.
man hugging tree

They all seemed very healthy with many strong viable branches yet.
white pine

Bill said, as I took yet another similar picture, "You really like those aspen trees, don't you?"

Yes, I do. This is today's best effort.
white aspen trunks

Bill and I started hiking at 8:45 and finished at 3 p.m. After that, I needed to move the trailer. Got to my new location just before dark, but I'm now settled in, and my new hosts fed me dinner. Very nice.

So many thanks to my previous hosts, Mark and Julie. They are pictured here with daughters, Beth and Anna. Their son, Luke, was not there when it was picture time. I really wanted to stay there longer and get better acquainted. Their whole lifestyle is geared around being self-sufficient as far as food and bartering for other items. And Julie shears her sheep, spins the wool, and knits. Of course, many of you know I have a super soft spot in my heart for children like Anna. We had a blast!

Miles today: 15.6. Total miles so far: 3853.7.

See Brule St Croix Portage


  1. That is an impressive day! Hiking over 15 miles, taking and posting beautiful pictures, moving your trailer, and thanking your recent and current hosts. I am exhausted just thinking about it. Congratulations!

  2. Very cool natural wreath. Are those actually growing out of that stump?

  3. Lulu: "Our Dada likes Aspen trees too, also Birch trees!"
    Java Bean: "One tree is as good as another when you're leaving peemail, in my opinion."
    Lulu: "You are such a boy dog."

  4. Ellie- a little more activity than I prefer

    Ann- Yes, those are suckers growing from the stump

    Lulu- And army of boy dogs couldn't peemail all those trees!


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