Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Snow with Amiya - Day 383

  Today I hiked with my youngest companion of this journey. Amiya is a college student. I was a little concerned that I'd be way too slow for her and that my six puny miles on snowshoes would not satisfy.
winter hiker

The feature of the day was... can you believe it? Snow. However, a weak sun worked hard at breaking through, and just for a while we had almost blue sky.
winter sky

Much to my delight *smily face wink*, Amiya said six miles was plenty and that her hips ached too!

My trail angel for the past two days has been Dave. It turns out we went to the same college (just a "few" years apart), so that was fun to talk about.

I want to share one more contrast picture. This is the area near Soldier Lake in 2010. There had been a fire just one or two years previous.
burned area

Twelve years later, there is a healthy little field of jackpine. Not my favorite tree, but it has ecological purposes.
jackpine stand

Miles today: 6.2. Total miles so far: 4362.0.

See More Snow and More...


  1. Love soldier lake CG. Camped there early spring when I was hiking
    Had the entire shelter house to my self. Built a fire in the fireplace and dried out all my gear after 2 days of rain. Love the blue sky and a peak of sun!

  2. The trees look so pretty covered in snow. Nice that you had a hiking companion for the day.

  3. Doug- Marie and I were soaking wet there too. Rain, rain, rain.

    Ann- it was great. We took turns breaking trail.

    Dan- thanks!


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