Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

More Trap Hills - Day 430

This was our second day in the Trap Hills. This picture might be hard to understand, but it's one of the rocky scrambles that leads to one of the vista points. Yes, this is the trail.
rocky trail

There were a number of beautiful views today, but I'll show you this one. The hump on the left in the distance is Norwich bluff, and our car is parked at the base of that, down a side trail. It puts the day's hike in nice perspective.
Trap Hills view

It was a really hilly day, and we are all tired. But there were again some nice treats. We found a spotted salamander. I've seen them before, but not very often.
spotted salamander

There have been lots of wildflowers, but I don't have the energy to do an even longer blog post. Here is Highbush Cranberry, Viburnum trilobum, in bloom.
highbush cranberry

And this was kind of fun, but it was on the spur trail we used to put a car at a mileage we wanted. It's a bat cave that has a grating to give the bats access but keep the people out.
bat cave

The hills will begin to get easier tomorrow. We are doing great although the mosquito gear is tiresome.

Miles today: 9.3 (plus 0.8 miles on the spur). Total miles so far: 4731.0.

See Trap Hills/Double Digits


  1. Wow, that first picture was a bit surprising when you said it was the trail.
    How cool is that bat cave. Did you spot Robin in the area?...lol

  2. Happy Voice- we know the answer!


  3. I did this section last year. I agree, the trail is hard to find sometimes. An interesting area, for sure.


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