Entries to Win Afghan

Monday, June 12, 2023

Wet, Just Wet - Day 435

It was supposed to start raining around noon. But it started at 10 am. We can't begrudge the earth receiving the moisture, but it did not make for a favorite hiking day.

Here's another attractive beaver pond. We saw several.
beaver pond

At the end of the day we walked along Wiggle Creek. Not only does it have a funny name, but it's pretty.
creek in woods

Bill took that last picture. It was raining hard enough that I put my camera away for the day. But before the rain, I liked this maple stump covered with suckers. For some reason, they are stressed or something since they seem to think it's September.
orange maple leaves

The challenge every morning and afternoon is the hordes of skeeters that are waiting in the car for the fresh meat we provide.
mosquitoes on car dashboard

One thing I'll say about wearing the headnet with the poncho is that it keeps the mosquitoes from sneaking under the net. It's supposed to rain all day tomorrow too. But then our last two days here should be nice.

Miles today: 9.4. Total miles so far: 4778.8

See Better than the Average Beaver Pond


  1. Those mosquitoes would be a challenge. Glad to hear the head net works well.

  2. Chaplin: "Wiggle Creek? Is it named after a vizsla butt?"

  3. Ann- it's a required piece of gear

    Chaplin- hmmm. it was very green. I don't think most Vizsla butts are green.


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