Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Betsy's Rock Garden

Today was mostly about the rock garden. Mine. Dave even helped with a project. But I'll do a rock garden report, maybe tomorrow.

Yesterday, I went to my friend Betsy's. She used to own the Icelandic sheep (link below). She loves to garden, and also to know the names of plants. She wanted to give me some things for the rock garden.

Her rock garden is beautiful. It's everything a nice rock garden should be- stuffed full to bursting with succulents and other low-growing perennials. She was embarrased, saying there were too many weeds, but I said they would hardly show in the pictures. Seriously.
rock garden

rock garden

rock garden

She wanted to give me plants for my rock garden because when things get as nicely crowded as hers you have to keep thinning things all the time. She gave me a whole bucket full! There are a couple of layers of plants in there.

I also went to a nursery that wasn't very much farther up the road and found more rock garden plants that are supposed to be hardy.
rock garden plants

She has more to give me (and I have some to give her), but I said we had to stop for now because I have to plant all those! I have most of them in, but there are still a few more to get in the ground. I'm also working hard on the record keeping. I really have to completely start over because there is so little alive and/or in the same places as they were before. The record sheets for each mapped niche were getting filled up anyway, so it was time to do it. I spent a lot of time on this today, but I think I've got the method locked in now, so it shouldn't take so long for the others. Although I do have to make some decisions about some of the spaces and what is really going to be in each one. For example, NOT just a pile of the Cranesbill that I've temporarily left in place.

And what was the fun thing Dave and I did last night? We went to see the new Indiana Jones movie. It is suitably ridiculous and a perfect ending to the series.

See More About the Icelandic Sheep


  1. Her rock garden does look nice and she gave you a lot of new plants.


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