Entries to Win Afghan

Friday, July 7, 2023

Tiny Tears

No, I'm not crying. Not crying at all. I'm pretty sure I've identified the miniature hosta Ester gave me years ago as 'Tiny Tears.' It's one of my true garden success stories. From a tiny puddle, it has grown enough that I have a strip about 5 feet by 8" lining the edge of my front flower bed. I have a similar strip filling in on the east side of the same bed, and I gave Betty a puddle of her own this year.

The strip between the grass and the rest of the flower bed is all Tiny Tears.
Tiny Tears hosta

It's starting to bloom this week. I love this little plant on many levels. It's subtle. It's apparently so short the deer don't want to eat it- only about 2 inches tall if you count just the leaves. The flower stalks rise up to 6-8 inches with purple flowers.
Tiny Tears Hosta

Most hosta flowers aren't worth mentioning. It's really grown as a foliage plant. However, these little guys are stunners!
tiny tears hosta

Well, I'm not crying, but I may be whining a bit about the wheelbarrow wheel. What a hassle. It has been going flat, so I attempted to fix that yesterday. Blah, blah, too much time and money later, and still more time and money today, I will have a new one on Monday. The tire itself has dry rot and keeps ruining tubes. It's not even that old. Way too much work for something so simple. But if I'm going to garden, I need a wheelbarrow.

I also started working on hacking the autumn olive out of the yard down near the road so that can be mowed. I can only work on that for a short amount of time.

See Just a Spot of Color


  1. Those flowers are really pretty.
    I saw a clever way to fix a flat wheelbarrow tire. They drilled a hole in it and then another on the opposite side then filled it with spray insulation. I have one that won't hold air and I thought about giving that a try but haven't yet.

  2. Ann- hmm. I wonder how that would hold up long term.


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