Entries to Win Afghan

Saturday, October 28, 2023

The Last of the Color?

Today was crisp, and maybe the last day for the beautiful fall colors. I don't think they will all come down right away, but we may not see much of the sun for a few days. There may be a hard frost Tuesday night, and that will loosen the leaves.

First shot in the cemetery.
fall colors

One of the twin mulberry trees here that I've featured quite often in different lights and moods. This almost looks like spring colors instead of fall.
fall colors

This picture doesn't do this line of trees justice. This is behind a garden center- thus the piles of mulch. But there are always a variety of colors here.
fall colors

And the sky was clear, October blue. Right after I took this, the clouds started moving in.
blue sky with clouds

I edited, I wrote, I researched, I did some volunteer stuff, I went shopping, I worked on trailer prep. The rest of the glue came today, so tomorrow I should be able to finish the underneath layer of insulation. I guess I did all right!

See Other Fall Colors


  1. Pretty fall colors. It's raining here this morning so I imagine a lot of the leaves will be on the ground soon.

  2. Ann- the rain and frost will probably finish things off.

  3. Lulu: "No wonder fall is our Dada's favorite season. Everything is orange!"


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