Entries to Win Afghan

Monday, December 11, 2023

Dinosaur Flamingo?

I've been doing some picture sorting, still trying to find something I think I need for the book in progress (although it's looking more like I only THOUGHT I took pictures of it). Anyway, as I've mentioned, there are a lot of entries in the flamingo series that I haven't posted yet. This one is unique. It's sort of a Steampunk-dinosaur-skeleton style flamingo. Enjoy. (This is #38 in the series)
dinosaur style flamingo

The day is all other news. I have been doing book stuff. I finished reading both DMS Mistletoe and DMS Singer. Now I have to decide which one I should enter in the Legacy Book Awards contest. Sigh... tough decision and I can't afford to enter both.

I did some minor typo corrections as I read, so I uploaded those new files and added a sampler of Vacation from DMS at the end of Singer.

Then I worked some more on the cover design for Vacation from DMS. I've changed it from what I'd originally planned. I like this one better. Not ready to reveal it yet.

Then I started working some more on the manuscript for Vacation from DMS. Having just read the other two books, my brain was in a good place to compare if the writing in this current book is "up to snuff."

Very sedentary, but productive.

See Flamingo Traditional Pink
See Flamingos


  1. Ann- I've never seen another one like it, and yet, it's surely mass produced

  2. Lulu: "Our Dada says he wants that flamingo for his zeppelin!"
    Java Bean: "Ayyy, what? Dada has a zeppelin?"
    Lulu: "Well not yet. First he needs the zeppelin, and then he needs the flamingo ..."

  3. Lulu- very steampunk, I think. Is Dada's zeppelin from Jules Verne?


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