Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Perfect Hiking Weather

There was just a little snow on the ground, but not enough to hamper walking. The woods was beautiful! The temperature was just above freezing, and it was really nice for walking.
trail in snowy woods

I don't have the group photo yet. There were 10 people and two dogs. Some people walked less, but many of us walked 6 miles total. Here are three on a bridge over an unnamed creek that flows into the South Branch of the Pere Marquette River.
hikers on a small footbridge in winter

I'm a total sucker for snow on winter branches.
snow on winter branches

For about three-quarters of a mile, the trail follows the berm of a spur of the Flint and Pere Marquette railroad. This was Eber Brock Ward's railroad, the same man for whom Ward Hills is named. He was a lumber, railroad and iron baron of the late 19th Century.
grade of the Flint and Pere Marquette Railroad

Before the hike, I made soup. After the hike, I finished baking the cookies. Tomorrow I'll finish decorating them. Needless to say, I'm beat. I'm not even going to clean up the kitchen tonight.

North Country Trail, 76th St north for 3 miles and back. Total 6 miles

See Loren Gets Her 100 Miles


  1. Lulu: "I would like to hike in the snow! I wouldn't even need a coat!"
    Java Bean: "Brrrrr!"

  2. Ann- it was indeed nice.

    Lulu- you has the furs. Java... they make nice winter coatsies for fur challenged pups


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