Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Stop Three - Gary

 And... another virtual friendship bites the dust and becomes transformed to an in-person one. This is Gary, a man I met through a Facebook group focused on fiberglass trailers. He helped me overcome so many difficult fixes on my trailer, Sunny! Not only does he have a fiberglass trailer of his own that he did extensive repairs on, he has a lifetime of experience working on vehicles and figuring out ways to do things that aren't standard by-the-book repairs. We have several other things in common, and also a shared faith. Turns out... he also likes jigsaw puzzles. He had one started. Of course, we had to finish that while we visited. The puzzle is called "Cafe on the Water."
man with a jigsaw puzzle

Best happenings of the drive... These are the cooling towers of a nuclear power plant. For one thing, I thought it was just interesting how the steam suddenly flattens out into the cloud layer. Must hit a layer of air that is a different temperature. I also thought the contrast of the high tech power generation with the farmland was interesting. If I'd stopped I could have gotten a much better picture, but I just did a bunch of point and shoot. This is the best one.
cooling towers

If you have any doubts that railroads are alive and well, just come to the plains. Long freight trains loaded with containers are a common sight.
container train

I crossed the Mississippi River today too. There wasn't any real place to stop even if I'd been willing. I did a bunch of point and click attempts. This is the only one worth anything, and you can only see an edge of the river.
Mississippi River

It was almost dark when I got to Gary's house. His neighbor has a small prairie he's restored. There are trails through it. There was just time to take a little walk which was perfect to get out the kinks. Again, not the best season of the year to showcase the plants. but it was enjoyable.
restored Iowa prairie

Just in time for a sunset on the prairie. Then he fed me stew and apple crisp. So yummy.
prairie sunset

Turns out that Gary has a history of many skills using his hands, not just working on vehicles. For a while, he made mountain dulcimers. Here are two of them.
mountain dulcimer

Once more, I'm very happy to have met this person for real. Of course, not every internet "relationship" works out, but I don't think it's all that different from the old "pen pal" idea. Some of those turned into real friendships, and some faded away. In either case, our horizons are always broadened a bit.

Thanks, Gary, for your help and your friendship!

See Stop Two- Ken


  1. Gary has many talents. Nice to meet yet another internet friend.

  2. Chaplin: "Whoo, that is a big puzzle! We would love to help with it!"
    Lulu: "And by 'help' you mean knock it apart and scatter the pieces everywhere, right?"
    Charlee: "What other kind of help would be needed?"

  3. Ann- it is!

    C,C, and Lulu- we are familiar with your kind of help.


  4. Sylvia and I did that same puzzle. It was fun.


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