Entries to Win Afghan

Friday, March 29, 2024

Good Friday

 I decided to share this and save more about 1993 for another day. Once again, I caught just the last little bit of the walk from Ludington to the church next to us for Good Friday.
man walking with a cross for Good Friday

This encounter was at the end of my walk to the library. I called to make sure they were open because it was Good Friday. The woman who answered the phone and responded to my question paused just long enough that I was pretty sure she had to think about what in the world "Good Friday" was. There's a statement on our society.

I may have a car on Monday.

Total miles hiked in 2024: 175.3 of which 55.8 is North Country Trail

Oh, and here's the puzzle Cathy and I did last night. 90 min, 500 pieces. It's called Magnificent Ocean. It was fun. It had a number of pieces that were the same shape, but then the picture didn't match, so you had to pay attention. I like this, but Cathy doesn't really.
puzzle magnificent ocean

See Walking with Jesus


  1. I had a conversation with a customer yesterday about how different things are compared to when we were growing up. This was in reference to not eating meat on Friday.
    I like the picture on that puzzle.

  2. Ann- very different. Everything used to close, at least between 1 and 3pm. It was a very fun puzzle


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