Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, August 4, 2024

$0,000 Pyramid Game

 Remember the game show, $X,000 Pyramid? (It started at $10K, but went up to $100K before it died.) I liked it. Contestants had to name things that fit in a category and their partner had to guess the category. For example, the one player might say, "lasso, boots, spurs, horse." If the partner said "Things a cowboy would use," then they won that round and went on.

So here are your clues. You get $0,000 for winning.

First is: How to Hike the North Country Trail: not quite a Guide. These will be available starting at the Celebration, Aug 21. Cost $25.
box of books

Second Clue: NCT 8-state sampler patches. These will be available starting at the Celebration, Aug 21. You must have hiked some piece of trail in each of the eight NCT states. Honor system. Suggested minimum- one mile, but not a firm requirement. Cost $2 each.
embrodiered patch

Third Clue: Marie stained the wall beside her deck the same color as the deck and sent me a picture. Looks great!

Fourth Clue: my trip.

OK, that's all the clues I have. Sorry.

The category? Things that are finished! OK, I'm lying. The book still has some typos and technically will never be finished due to updates, but I wanted to be sure I had books for the Celebration, so there will an immediate update in about a month.

I mostly rested, but Cathy and I went for a short walk on the NCT because I needed to get a location of a particular place that needs work.

Miles hiked so far in 2024: 354.2. NCT miles hiked 109.3.

North Country Trail, Lake Co, MI. Timber Creek north 1.5 miles and back

See Sneak Peek


  1. Can you order the book after the celebration?

  2. I was thinking the category would be things Joan did this year.

  3. I have the same question as Doug - I would love to buy a book!!! Is it possible?

  4. Doug, Kim- You can get the book from me by mail after the Celebration. I am hopeful it will also be in bookstores.

    Ann- close enough!

  5. Java Bean: "Ayyy, our Dada agrees that books are never finished, you just decide to stop working on them for a while ..."
    Lulu: "We like those patches! Dada seems especially pleased that the New York wedge is orange!"

  6. Lulu- hey! orange pushes some people's buttons.


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