Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

5/5 Meme Ends Up in North Dakota

Yesterday the Everyday Adventurer took a tag from Karen & Gerard Zemek

Ratty (the Everyday Adventurer) passed it to anyone who wants to play, and I am going to do it. Here are the rules:

Open a document or file folder,
click on the fifth folder
and then the fifth photo.
Post the photo and describe it.
Then tag 5 other bloggers.

I'm like Ratty... I'm going to let anyone who would like to play pass it along. I'm not crazy about imposing games on others, probably because I don't like it much myself.

So, what you get is actually an animated file that I used on a post on my North Country Trail News blog on Feb 7 of this year. I had choices, whether to do 5/5 on my hard drive, or 5/5 on my external drive. I chose to use the hard drive, as the picture that came up on the external I had also used recently on this blog. (What are the chances that I wouldn't land on a different pic???)

The pictures in this animation were taken in 2002 in Valley City, North Dakota. The North Country Trail Association (and regular readers will know that I'm nuts about the NCT) had its annual conference there. This year we are headed back there again. The trail crosses seven states, and the conference rotates through the states. The city was so glad to have us there that the State University flashed this welcome to us on their sign for the days of the conference. Right after that conference, my best friend and hiking buddy, whose name is Marie, and I went hiking. You might as well file her name because she is going to come into the story quite regularly as we approach summer. That year we hiked the Eastern portion of the NCT in North Dakota.

North Dakota can be beautiful. In 2007 I finished all the NCT miles in that state, about 400 of them. But I'll be going to the conference!

And your last clue about Thursday's post? The subject of the post was not with me in North Dakota in 2007, or 2002, but was with me when I hiked the westernmost section of the NCT in North Dakota in 1995. That was only my second long hike on the NCT, and the trip on which I decided that I wanted to hike the whole trail.

I probably won't respond to comments tomorrow because I'll be traveling. Yes, I am having an adventure this weekend that I can tell you about soon. And it's not a hike! It works out well that I've promised a special post, because I will write it and schedule it since I'll be on the move tomorrow and may not be able to get on the internet.

North Country Trail Association
Memories of a North Dakota Hike


  1. I've been wanting to do an animated picture for a little while myself. This makes up my mind to do it.

    The rules of these games are so much better when the recipients are kept open, aren't they?

  2. Hi Ratty- I wish I had done a better job with this one- lined up the sign so it doesn't jump around, but there are some limits to the time I have to spend on this.

    I thought you might take a guess at tomorrow's surprise based on the clues...?

  3. oh wow, i do not know how to make an animated photo, and you did a great job. hope you have a good weekend, and enjoy your travel.

  4. Hi betchai- Well, I have Animation Shop which comes with Paint Shop Pro, my graphics program of choice. It's easy with that. I don't know if there are free programs to simple make animations out there - I haven't looked because I haven't needed to!


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