Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Bluebird News Flash

This will not be my regular post for today, but I just had a bluebird sitting on our deck, right outside my window. Couldn't react fast enough to get a picture, but HOW COOL IS THAT. I am leery of thinking spring is here, but it's really tempting!


  1. It's not spring yet, but your bluebird is a good sign that spring is quickly approaching.

  2. ohhh, that would be cool indeed, you must have missed seeing them. i love birds, they teach me to have patience when I take them a picture.

  3. Hi Ratty- I was really surprised. I think it's really too early, and I hope they don't freeze- we are having a heavy snow again tonight.

    Betchai- I never seem to be able to get a picture of the birds outside that window. I think they can hear the camera noises.


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