The Contest Know Your Weeds? Win an Ad for a Month is officially closed.
There was actually only one entry, Julia of Our Simple Life, and she gave it a try before I put up the Latin names. She didn't get them all right, but I'll give her an ad for the good effort.
Here are the answers:
- A-8 Yucca - Yucca filamentosa
- B-5 Common teasel - Dipsacus sylvestris
- C-4 Mistflower - Eupatorium coelestinum
- D-9 Wild Asparagus - Asparagus officinalis
- E-1 Common mullein - Verbascum thapsus
So what do you think folks? Was this so hard that it was just discouraging? Not really fun? Would you like more contests, but tweaked a little? Feedback is good.
See Know Your Weeds? Win an Ad for a Month
I knew that the first one had to be yucca after I posted my response but I was all distracted by that snow. Ok excuses... Thanks for the ad! That was fun! I would love another contest like that.