Entries to Win Afghan

Monday, April 27, 2009

Green Things

early spring shrubby edge

A few days ago I was really jealous of WiseAcre because he has green things, and even wildflowers already. He told me that at least I was "GREEN with envy!" We seem to be far behind this year. But after all the rain we've had here lately, yesterday things were finally starting to green up. This picture was taken in the drizzle. The shrubbery is just garbage tartarian honeysuckle and autumn olive, but I like how feathery it looked.

bloodrootAnd I've been watching closely for the few bloodroot that come up in the cemetery. I didn't find them at all yesterday, but look what I found today! There were just two, neither one looking too robust. Seems to me like there used to be a lot more flowers in that spot.

But I did find three of these guys! Just green frogs, but it made me feel quite cheerful to find them sunning themselves by the creek. I haven't often seen frogs there for some reason.

green frog

Hike Planning Report
Checked out our new water purification system. It seems to work fine. I'll probably show you some pix of that tomorrow.

Started checking over my gear, made a list of things I need to buy.

Worked on updating the spreadsheet with weight of my gear components.

Copied and reduced several chapters of a book into a much smaller, lighter format that we will read on the hike (from Runes of the North by Sigurd Olson)

Walked 1.5 miles with 45 pounds.


  1. I guess we just have to be patient. Not easily done when the spring fever hits. Maya and I were out yesterday looking for tadpoles. It was such a beautiful day.

  2. Sshhh, don't be telling people about the insides of my ears. They'll try to harvest my Quorn.

    I do turn a little green after watching the southerners display their gardens while the ground is still frozen in our neck of the woods.

    We had a warm rain too - things are exploding now :) Enjoy the Bloodroot - they're starting to fade here so it's my turn to feel a bit off. (they are one of my 'real' favorites)

  3. Seems like everybody is talking about the "Hulk". Anyway he is back in spring. He brings along lovely bloodroot as well.

  4. Grampy- It is so great that Maya enjoys walking in the woods with you. That's where is all began for me... going to the woods with family members as a child.

    WiseAcre- I have hopes of a wildflower you haven't posted yet! The leaves are up, and maybe it will bloom before I leave. But a lot of things that I wanted to share on the blog will happen while I'm hiking. But I'm sure not going to whine about going hiking! They will just have to wait for another year to be shared.

    Hi Rainfield- Maybe that's why those shrubs look green... the Hulk is napping behind them. Shucks, I thought maybe it was spring!

  5. All of the rain we've been having is making the green almost seem to explode out now. I'm finally starting to see spring around here, and I'm guessing your getting something similar over on the west side.

  6. wow, i so love the frog, just look at this eyes, you really caught his emotions, and i love the specks of green on the water. i like how the bloodroot is being soft lit by the sun.


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