Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Meadowlark - A Glimpse

Eastern meadowlarkWell, I tried retaking the pics I wanted to show you the other day. They would have made a nice Easter post. But there are clearly things I don't understand about the macro feature of the new camera. It keeps focusing on the background not the item I want you to see.

Eastern meadowlarkMeanwhile, look who I finally captured! These aren't really good pictures. I was just a little too far away. But you can consider it a hint of a potentially better picture down the road. The meadowlarks like our mostly open field with a few scattered trees a lot.

Hike Planning Report
I really, really wanted to get the first draft of our custom trail guide finished. But one of the books I'm taking info from is really, really lousy, and hard to work with. I still have 1.5 days to go, but that means there are 12.5 days done. Then I have to check that against the area that burned a couple of years ago (guide will NOT be accurate in that section), and figure out why I have a mileage discrepancy with my spread sheet. But it's coming along.

Hiked 1.5 miles with 38 pounds.

See My Bluebird of Happiness


  1. I like seeing yellow on birds, because it doesn't quite seem like the right color for birds this far north. I saw a yellow bird once last year, but I just missed getting the picture.

    I had the same trouble getting my camera to focus, but on some new buds on a small tree. Very frustrating.

  2. Such pretty birds. And an even prettier song.

  3. Taking picture is fun once we get to know the features of the camera. You have shown us a real good meadowlark. A beautiful one.

  4. thanks for sharing us the picture, that is one beautiful meadowlark. sometimes i also have problems focusing like you did, when i get that situation, i shift to manual focus instead.

  5. Hi Ratty- Well, I discovered the problem this time was that I did not have the camera on AUTO, don't even know yet what the symbol meant where I had it!

    Solomon- Yes, they are beautiful! And I read today that the open fields they like are disappearing, so I am glad that I always seem to have them here.

    Rainfield- I just love their patterns... I hope I'll be able to get a better picture later this year.

    Bethchai- I have a lot to learn about this camera yet! I know how to get it on Manual Focus, but it's hard to see the screen sometimes to be able to tell if you are focusing!


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