Entries to Win Afghan

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Moles Missed This One


red botanical tulipI basically blew off the entire day. It was dark and thunderstormy. I finished a book, played stupid games, and felt sorry for myself for no particular reason. So there.

But yesterday a nice little surprise in the rock garden opened. The moles have eaten the tulips and most of the crocuses. But sometimes they just move bulbs or pieces of bulbs around, and then after a few years, a flower will appear somewhere that I never planted it! Thus... one red tulip.

Hike Planning Report
Packaged a few more food items, not much

See I Heard the Meadowlark for crocus
See Jetfire for daffodils
See Mini Iris for miniature iris
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  1. so pretty and beautiful, it was nature's beautiful birthday gift for you. i really love it.

  2. A lovely flower that I have not seen in my region.

  3. I sometimes have days just like yours. It's good to have something so little as a flower come along to remind you that things are okay.

    I had the same rain sweep through here too, and it ruined most of my outdoor time, so I sat here and did mostly nothing. Gloomy day.

  4. Isn't it lovely when a beautiful thing brighten's our day!

  5. I really enjoy your blog. I left something for you at my site in my most recent post

  6. Hi Betchai- Yes, it was a lovely gift. Those darn moles!

    Rainfield- It is a botanical tulip, which mostly means not a Dutch tulip, and most of them are small, really nice in a rock garden, but I can't compete with the moles.

    Ratty- You guys got more severe weather, but it was VERY dark here and rained hard all day. I wouldn't even have cared that I curled up with a book if I didn't have so much to do.

    Glynis- Yes, I really needed the smile!

    Joe! Wow! Thank you... I'll go see what my present is.


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