Entries to Win Afghan

Friday, May 29, 2009

Walking Into Spring

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This is the first time I've taken this long of a trip in May. I've been out for five days in this month other years. But never before have I so completely walked from bare trees and the end of winter into green leaves and wildflowers.

The top picture was taken on our second hiking day. The view is of Lake Superior from the Superior Hiking Trail. As you can see it was a gray day and the trees are all bare and gray except for the conifers.

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The second picture was on the last hiking day. We had just emerged from the greening trees in back of us into an area that had experienced a severe blowdown. Timber was salvaged, leaving the space looking about the same as if it had been logged (and difficult to walk through).

This afternoon I took a slow walk around my trail at home and picked some of the wild asparagus here. I thought that I might miss it all, so I was very happy to find some yet. It was rather mature, but I cut it up and made it into soup for dinner. I forgot to take a picture! Obviously I'm not back into blogging mode just yet-- trying to get my head around the schedule I was keeping before the hike.

I think tomorrow I'll show you some wildflowers from the hike.


  1. It must have been amazing watching everything around you change slowly into spring. After thinking about it, I can understand that it's probably hard to adjust back to home life. Home must almost seem foreign right now.

  2. Hi Ratty- It was weird, actually. I kept trying to think what the trees and plants at home must be doing. The woods are very different. There were quite a few aspen, which we also have a lot of here, but there were a lot more birch in Minnesota. The first 10 days everything was very barren, but then everything practically exploded!

    I managed to get into my home routine a little more today, including some lawn mowing, but it seems like my brain is split between two worlds.


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