Entries to Win Afghan

Monday, June 29, 2009

Rain on a Small Roof


rain through trees

This afternoon it finally started to rain. While communities just south of us have had too much in some cases, we've been headed towards very dry. Can you see the grayness behind the aspens? I know, not really, but I know it was there.

What this really needs is scratch and sniff. The rain just smells SO great. It's sweet and earthy and clean.

Drops of water were falling off the deck roof and hitting this bird feeder. I managed to catch one of the splashes!

rain splatter

See So Not Ready for a misty morning
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  1. Ha.. I like the splashes, it is so dynamic.

  2. I love the photo of the raindrop, you captured it at just the right moment.

  3. Hi rainfield- Glad you noticed! Whenever a big drop hit the corner it just went flying!

    Susan- Thanks for stopping by. Yes, I like that big droplet. Oh! You are the blogger who recalled the old Pong Game. What fun!

  4. I love when rain can be captured in midair, no matter how it's done. I haven't been able to do it yet. I can smell the rain from here, but that's partly because I have my windows open.

  5. I love rainy, it's make the world still alive...

  6. Over 100f today and no rain since March, makes me a little envious of your fresh rain smell. :)

  7. It is a beautiful place, where the place ?

  8. Ratty- the scent is so wonderful- I don't think about it when things are dry, but then when it comes, it's beautiful!

    Business- I'm with you! I like the rain.

    Glynis- No rain since March? How does that work? Aren't the plants all dying?

    Anonymous- in the US, Michigan


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