Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, November 15, 2009

On the Beach - Part 1

After church today, I went for a walk on the beach because I wanted to stay in town for a folk music concert in the afternoon (which was really fun, but not the point of this post).

waves breaking on pilings

I went with the idea to try to find some pictures that are a little different from the usual beach scenes. Not that they are bad, but those of us who live near Lake Michigan get overdosed with sun and sand and waves.

sandy wall

I came home with way too many pictures! But I narrowed it down to 10 that seemed interesting. I'll show you half today and half tomorrow. I really like things that look like something else (as you may have figured out!). This sandy "cliff" is only about two feet high. But it reminds me of desert dwellings or a setting for a fantasy game, or... you tell me...

bubbles at wave edge

This is the very edge of a wave as the last of its energy is being dissipated. Just a few bubbles left. Have you noticed that you can click to make the pictures larger? I'm finally getting my photo pages set up pretty much the way I want them. Most of these pictures look better when they are bigger.

algae on pilings with foam

It was hard to believe that it is November. I went looking for a solitary experience, but there were several groups of people enjoying the "warm" weather. It was great, but after 30 minutes I was pretty frozen.

leaf on wet sand

One lone leaf just out of reach of the last wave...

I ate my sandwich and apple, and retreated to the car and half a mug of still-warm coffee. Then I headed for the library to wait for the concert to start. Ended up checking out the complete works of e. e. cummings. I can't remember the name, or a full line, of a poem that I'm sure he wrote, so I'm searching by brute force.

Five more tomorrow!

See Rediscovering Jenks Creek
See The White Cliffs of...


  1. The leaf shot is my favorite. It's got that November chill to it.

  2. I was going to say I liked the leaf the best too. The algae clinging to the pilings is a close second. Good pics all around. :)

  3. The algae on the wood looks interesting!

  4. You have some gorgeous photography on your site.. this is my first time here (found you through my powernubby.com blog!) and i LOVE It.

    We also have a photography blog if you are interested in checking it out

    What kinda camera do you use? It really is great to look through all of these pictures

  5. Gorgeous! Esp love the wood pilings. Thanks for sharing. :)

  6. Haven't been over since the 12th so I caught up on your photos. Looks like you were very busy sawing up all that wood and hopefully those HB's were good. Loved the photos of the beach.

  7. That little cliff makes me think of the side of a hill on my grandparents' farm that was dug out like that to make the ground level there. It was about ten feet high, and us kids used to climb it and dig little holes to park our toy cars in it.

  8. Dennis- Thanks for stopping by! Yes, it does look lonely, doesn't it?

    Julia & Vanilla- I tried for different shots of the algae, because I really liked it, but wasn't happy with any of them.

    lindsayanng- Thanks for your visit. I will check out your photos. I have a Canon PowerShot. Have some reviews of it at Just Throw Money. It's a mid-range hybrid. Doesn't get the crisp shots that I see from some other bloggers. But I suspect it cost less than theirs.

    Ivy- Thank you! I don't have a munchkin to snap pix of, so I concentrate on wood and water and bugs!

    Hi Jude- The HB is in the fridge! When I do them, I'll be sure to share.

    Ratty- I loved to dig in the dirt as a kid. There was always something new to imagine. I really think this one looks like a scene right out of Riven.

  9. Just dropped by to browse and did not leave disappointed. I have just played catch up on your pictures and posts. Wonderful shots and stories, thanks for sharing. I love the beach, I was born by the sea and it is in my blood.

  10. Beautiful shots and very unique indeed!


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