Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A Gift Basket

fruit basket

Today was the paper route, nap and writing. But a nice gift was delivered this afternoon for Omer. It came from the church we are attending. For just two people, that's enough fruit to feed us for quite a while! I just had half a nectarine. Yum!


  1. Catching up.
    What a lovely basket, my fruit arrives in the back of a truck, a bucket, old box, carrier bag or potato sack. There is usually enough to feed a village!
    I could do so much with that basket, but am not ungrateful for my gifts.
    Wow you have been busy writing, I see by your last post and the Christmas cacti is gorgeous.

  2. nothing like a basket full of fresh fruit. I was in the produce department for a while at the store I work at and would occasionally have to put fruit baskets together. It was tricky sometimes getting the fruit to all balance while you tried to wrap it...lol

  3. That's a nice thing about the fruit basket. That's the kind of niceness I miss living in the city.

  4. Rainfield- it was yummy! There were 3 nectarines that ripened on consecutive days... perfect.

    wenn- it was very nice to receive

    Vanilla- so much better than flowers that wilt right away, as gift bouquets often do.

    Glynis- now you have me really curious... where on earth do you get your fruit? Are you talking about some local market, but you don't have a nice shopping bag?

    Ann- Yes! I think that cellophane helped keep it together.

    Ratty- Well, I confess, I'll take a small town any day. More people know you... for the good and the bad.


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