Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, January 31, 2010

No New CMF Network Ads

I PREVIOUSLY WROTE:I will not be accepting any new network ads on CMF. After my calculations from yesterday at Just Throw Money, I have decided that it is just plain unfair to those who have paid a full 15 cents a month to advertise here. Instead of their ads being shared among 3-6 others, they are now shared among 12 others, giving them much less exposure time.

I have already accepted the initial wave of ads, but I won't be accepting any more.

UPDATE 2/3/10: The CMF staff have addressed this concern by limiting network ads to 30% of the views on any blog. Given this response, I will now accept any network ads that I feel are appropriate.



  1. I can understand why you're not accepting network ads. I've been rejecting them to be fair on everyone who places an individual ad on my blog.

  2. i do not understand much about CMF, maybe because I do not use it, but I admire our concern for others Sharkbytes, your decision makes a lot of sense.

  3. That makes sense, Shark. I will be stopping CMF myself.

  4. As I posted on your other blog, network ads never show more than 30% of the time. Next time you decide something is "just plain unfair", please post a comment on the CMF Ads forum. It's much faster to read over suggestions and opinions than searching the blogosphere, even negative ones.

  5. Wow, so it that why I suddenly got a flood of new ads?? I didn't realize there was a change--how does it work? How can you tell a "network" from a "single?" I find this program so confusing, I'm about to drop it for THAT reason--just doesn't make sense to me....

  6. The new 30% rule sounds much better so I'll probably start accepting a few network ads.

  7. RNSANE - perhaps there's something we can help you with? Please let us know if this is the case.

    WillOaks Studio - the screen where you approve ads was updated to show which ads are network ads, and which are not. There's more information about Network Ads on our blog - we strongly encourage members to subscribe to our blog so you know as soon as we make changes. We also ask for feedback in our forums ahead of releasing certain features, so we suggest checking in from time to time.

    We'd be very happy to help any members of CMF Ads with any queries, just come over to CMF Ads and click the "New Alert" link at the top of the sidebar (you need to be logged in first). It's impossible for us to learn from feedback if we don't get to hear it.

  8. Turnip, Ben... when I made this decision, the 30% rule had not yet been posted. I'll be thinking this through again. Thanks for your input.


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