Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Another Fern You Almost Know

Now that you know the Intermediate Wood Fern, the Spinulose Fern is just an easy step away.

key to dryopteris intermedia, intermediate wood fernHere's the fern from yesterday, Dryopteris intermedia, the Intermediate Wood Fern, again. Remember that it's evergreen through most winters, has a broad triangular blade, it is thrice divided, and that the second pinnule from the rachis is longer than the first. Just got here? Take a look at yesterday's post. BUt it's not too tough. In the picture the "sub-leaflets" noted by the yellow arrows are longer than those with the red arrows.

key to Dryopteris spinulosa, Dryopteris carthusiana, spinulose wood fernNow here is a closeup of the same section of the Spinulose Wood Fern. For UK readers, it's your Narrow Buckler Fern. Its Latin name is either Dryopteris spinulosa or Dryopteris carthusiana, depending on whom you ask.

Spinulose means spiny. That name seems to come from the pointed teeth on the pinnules. "Carthusiana" comes either from the name of the village in France where it was first collected, and/or from the botanist Johan Friedrich Cartheuser.

It has almost all of the same superficial characteristics of the Intermediate Wood Fern. They are in the same Genus (Dryopteris) so that makes sense. Here's the most obvious difference. The pinnule closest to the rachis is longest. The one with the red arrow is longer than the one with the yellow.

Now you know! This picture was taken a year ago, at Letchworth State Park of New York. But it is seen here in Michigan too. I just don't have a local picture yet.

See I Need Green Really Bad


  1. playing catch up again, ferns I find them most attractive even though they do not flower, but they have been around a log time as the fossils show. I keep saying I will take more interest in them so perhaps this is my wake up.

  2. I have a picture of fern which was taken last week.
    They look similar.

  3. I don't think I can even pronounce some of those words but I know I like looking at the ferns :)

  4. I've seen fern and have a couple of photos that resemble these. I'm always lax on taking notes as to names etc. Great shots, though.

  5. Carol- I was surprised that we have the exact same one in spinulosa.

    Rainfield- There are a LOT of thrice divided ones.

    wenn- need more green!

    Ann- I promise more, but we need rain for them to pop.

    Jo- I had to start carrying my book around and really looking at them.

  6. Yes we do see the narrow buckler(carthusiana) it is quite common over here along with it's cousin broad buckler(dilata).
    The most common one we see is male fern(filix-mas).

  7. I enjoyed learning about ferns in this one. I knew absolutely nothing about them before this, except how to roughly identify them as ferns. I'm glad to have a start on my knowledge of ferns now.

  8. Carol- I have to look up dilata. I don't know that one. Supposedly we have Male Fern, but I haven't become adept at seeing it.

    Ratty- As soon as I find the pics, (or they show up for spring!) I'll do a post on the very easiest one to ID. It would be a much easier place to start than this one.


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