Entries to Win Afghan

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Good/Bad News- No Rain

early spring trail

I spent half the day writing a submission to Unsent Letters, and even though it was nothing sad, it was emotional enough that I really needed to go for a hike. All the rain that was predicted for the weekend never materialized. That meant that I could head for the woods. But we better get some rain here soon, or the grass fires will be popping up all over.
early spring creek

Maggie and I headed for a section of the North Country Trail south of Bowman Lake. You have to understand that this is my very least favorite time of year to hike. Everything is brown and gray. Nothing in the woods is pushing up green shoots yet. There aren't going to be any fantastic pictures today. But the trail does cross this small un-named creek. I noticed on the map today that the creek comes from a small pond that shows on the map. I think that exploring that could be fun, and it's all National Forest property so I won't be trespassing!
burned out stump

This was kind of interesting. There was just one fairly large burned-out stump here. Some parts of the tree were nearby, also burned. But none of the surrounding trees showed any evidence of fire. I wonder if it was struck by lightning and was gutted, then burned itself out.
wetland with log bridge

This is about the prettiest picture from the walk. It's a small wetland that stays wet all year long, so our trail chapter put in a log bridge so you can get across the area. With the reflections, and some blue sky, it's not bad.

Anyway, we walked about 6 miles. The temperature was perfect- about 50 degrees. The sun was shining! I cleared a lot of brush from the trail and a lot of cobwebs from my brain.


  1. Know what you mean about having to go for a walk, I just have to get my boots on and go blow the cobwebs away.

    I was interested in the unsent letters, we all have them - sad or glad ones I wonder if most are best left unsent.


  2. We walked in the woods at the park this weekend too. Nothing like fresh air and a nice walk to clear out the cobwebs! That is a pretty picture you took of the wetland area.

  3. There's nothing like a walk in the great outdoors to clear the cobwebs. Have a great day

  4. Rain is coming. Rainfield is coming.

  5. I love hiking in the early spring when it's cool. But agree that the botany is just not happening... But getting out is good anyway.

  6. That looks like a great place to walk and clear your head. The single burned tree is kind of funky!

  7. I see some green in there! It's there, it IS coming. :)

  8. Hi Carol- yes, we are alike in that way... HAVE to walk! Got an unsent letter in your head? Go enter it.

    Karen- Lots of us need to get outside as the spring moves along, I think.

    Ann- Those of us who keep hangin' around the same blogs sure understand that.

    rainfield!- you can come hike with me any time, rain or shine!

    Julia- The best part is warm sun and cool air.

    Dennis- Yes, I looked hard to make sure that there weren't other burned trees. I thought it was odd.

    Lin- Yeah, green of conifers. Not that they are bad... but they have been there all along.

  9. I understand why you don't like hiking this time of year. It's the same reason I find fall depressing. But for me, right now is a time of great anticipation of the wonderful spring to come. This all leaves me blind to the dull colors. And you should go ahead and name that creek "Sharkbytes Creek" or something else you might want.

  10. Ratty- waiting for the green.... I was disappointed to learn that there is a 2-track to that pond, so I'm sure there are wheeled travelers. I was hoping for a "secret" pond


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