Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Munchin' In the Rain


Remember the doe who enjoyed apple leaf salad in my yard? Well, she has been accompanied each trip through my lawn by two fawns, but I couldn't seem to get good pictures of them. Yesterday the fawns came alone. It rained hard all day, but once again you can't tell in the pictures!

Are you talkin' to me?

Aren't I just the cutest thing?

See Damp Dinner


  1. yeah, the very cutest thing, wonderful captures Sharkbytes, the images are so clear and vivid.

  2. Wonderful to see, great photos of beautiful creatures.

  3. It is so good to be able to talk to a deer.

  4. Cutest thing for sure. What a nice treat to go with the rain.

  5. They are cute indeed, and they're getting quite big.

  6. You're so lucky to get deer in your backyard. And baby ones are so cute!

  7. I love seeing deer so close, and especially fawns. These animals always seem so gentle and innocent.

  8. betchai- it's so strange that they are clear- it was pouring!

    Carol- I'd feel they were more wonderful if we had just a few less.

    Rainfield- I said hi, but they only ran away.

    Ann- they are cute... such a conflict... cuteness vs the damage they do

    Chuck- they are big. I'm surprised they still have spots.

    Joan- all that cuteness knows where to clear my gardens now!

    Ivy- the babies are cute, just little marauders too

    Ratty- haha - SEEM to be innocent as they eat my hosta!

  9. Oh, my goodness, Joan, they are such lovely little creatures, you could just cuddle them. I'm sure they wouldn't hold still for it and mama might come out in a hurry, too.

    Has the rain cooled things off a bit for you?

  10. Carmen- Those sharp little hooves aren't cuddly... the rain was cooling only for the one day that it poured. But this week is supposed to be better.


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