Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Just a Hike

dog on trail

Today I helped to spot a hiker who is trying to hike the NCT in Michigan in sections. So Maggie and I took a little hike too. It was a LOVELY day. Nothing spectacular happened, but it was sure nice.
mushroom and leaf

I'm not going to worry about any IDs today, just show you pretty pictures.
line of mushrooms

large white pine

This is a huge white pine. I didn't even see the way the branches cross the saplings till I looked at it on the computer.
Do you like these? Good, because I'm spotting him again tomorrow, so there will be another hike.

North Country Trail, Lake County, Michigan, north from 5-Mile Road


  1. Look at all those mushrooms! :)

  2. Wonderful pictures, Joan...terrific mushrooms and that grand tree is something else!!

  3. Everything looks normal to us may look different at different times.

  4. That mushroom looks like it should have a smurf living in it.

  5. I Like the photos from your hike!

    I noticed your counter is well over 100,000.:-D)

  6. nice day for a hike and you got some good pictures too. I really like the way that last one looks

  7. Love the pics. Those mushrooms definitely arranged themselves well, lol.

  8. Excellent time for hiking. Cooler weather, good lighting! We've planned a hike for Saturday to a local landmark called Lion's Peak. The whole thing burned to the ground, literally the dirt, two summers ago. I've got to go and see the recolonization up there.

    Still chugging on your book. You are a hiking Amazon!

  9. Lin- There were LOTS that I didn't picture.

    Carmen- I don't know whether I like the towering tree or the little details best.

    rainfield- you are so good at seeing the magic!

    Dennis- a think a slug smurf already was nibbling

    Jean- not quite there yet, just 24 to go!

    Ann- Isn't it amazing the things we don't see until we look at something a different way?

    Ivy- yes, I could hardly believe that straight line!

    Julia- go work hard at training those junior botanists! And if you find the Lion, well!!! Glad you are liking the book.


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