Entries to Win Afghan

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Wettest Meeting

trail work in the rain

This was definitely one of the strangest meetings I've ever attended. Our trail chapter had a hike and work day scheduled this morning. The one remaining thing to do on the boardwalk for this season is get the rails attached, required because it's a raised structure. (Just low, edge rails.) So the guys were going to work on that, and some of us just went for a hike in the area. Then the president decided that we should have lunch and our annual meeting connected to the whole thing. So that was the plan.

I needed to leave home about 9:30 to get there on time. At 9:00 it began to rain, a cold steady rain. Oh, well, I needed to be at the meeting. So Maggie and I set off. The hike sort of turned into two groups of people walking where they wanted to for a while. The guys worked in the rain. By noon we were all soaked.

cooking under a tarp

One couple brought a tarp and set it up, added tables and a camp stove- ready for lunch! And then the rain really started. It POURED. We all sat under the tarp and had a yummy lunch of hot dogs, beans and various salads. Then we tried to hear each other over the sound of the rain on the tarp (I'm serious), and hold a business meeting.

I had put Maggie in the car, because she was freezing. After we got home, I took a hot shower and put on my PJs. Spent the rest of the day on the computer.

See Smilin' in the Rain
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  1. Too bad you didn't have the weather we had. It was a gorgeous day and didn't start raining here until after dark.
    I wanted to tell you too, I saw your comment on my blog post. I don't live in Ohio. Pennsylvania but real close to the Ohio line. So I guess we're still sort of neighbors :)

  2. That must have been some meeting. Hope you get nicer weather in the following days.

  3. I know what it is like trying to hear while it is pouring rain while under a tarp.It is worse inside my camper.

  4. Hi Ann- Ah... I may have driven really near you last March.

    rainfield- ain't it the truth!?

    Ivy- today was lovely! Supposed to be more to come

    Jean- We must have looked like a bunch of loonies, sitting there in the woods ignoring the deluge, and dumping puddles off the tarp every couple of minutes.


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