Entries to Win Afghan

Monday, January 24, 2011

Om says "12"

I promised not to just do a snow picture today. But I didn't see any wildlife, or have any great progress on projects, or cook anything wonderful (just a baked potato for dinner, and that's hardly earth-shaking!) So... what to do? I find some of the random-photo memes interesting, so I asked Om to pick a number between 1 and 15. I knew I had at least that many folders on my external hard drive. He picked 12.

My twelfth folder was labeled "LPTC" for Lower Peninsula Trail Council. That would be the Trail Council for the North Country Trail Association. Actually, the councils are defunct, but I was the volunteer Chair, when it was operational. I had no idea what pictures might be in there. Turned out, there was just one... not 12, so I'll use the one.

kalkaska michigan trout

There you have it! Now, are you wondering what it is you have?

This is the Trout Fountain in Kalkaska, Michigan. The North Country Trail skirts the town at present, but a section is being re-routed so that it will go through there- "trail towns" can be important to long-distance hikers. Kalkaska is home to the National Trout Festival, and this is an 18-foot brook trout- in celebration of the festival which was first held in 1936. I snapped its picture almost exactly two years ago, on January 21, 2009.

And now you have it! (whatever it is)


  1. We have some of the best fishing in the world. Bass, pike, walleye, trout, salmon and muskie are plentiful and large but guess what gets hyped by the county chamber of commerce.

    Carp :)

  2. Wow! I've never seen a brook trout that large before. There is an award waiting for you today on my blog.

  3. I knew that was a brookie! (not because I have any real experience catching them, but my dad caught a lot of brookies in my pre-fishing days when I was a little kid). Thanks, Joan!

  4. Well it looks like we caught us a big one today lol.
    I wish my pictures were as organized as yours are. I have a ton of pictures on my external hard drive but none of the folders are labeled with anything other than the date they were put on the computer.

  5. Jean- Is the trout cooling his heels? His tail?

    wiseacre- carp? Carp? What on earth for?

    Chuck- Thanks so much! Hopefully, I'll have a bit more time tomorrow

    Hi TM- Me, I don't know fish much. I just read the sign!

    Ann- The ones that made it on the External Drive are in good shape. Others, not so much.


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