Entries to Win Afghan

Monday, February 7, 2011

Corn Chips, Anyone?

corn meal in a bowl

I feel a bit like Rose- telling you "what I made today." Some bug bit me this afternoon, and I decided to make some corn chips using an old recipe I have.

corn meal dough

No one in their right mind would make these on a regular basis. You have to roll out each chip by hand. I made them a couple of times, long ago, when the boys were small. After working on them for over an hour the chips were gobbled up in just a few minutes with no fanfare- probably even some complaints that they don't taste like "real" corn chips.

unbaked corn chips

These are baked. They actually taste a bit more like corn crackers than chips. You can sprinkle the tops with any seasoning you like. I tried several today, but my favorite turned out to be celery salt.

baked corn chips

Here's the final result. They are a nice treat, and I sure appreciate every one as I eat it. This is surely a novel way to motivate myself to eat less.

If you want the recipe, I've written it up at Homemade Corn Chips- You'll Appreciate Every Single One


  1. Making the corn chips sure looks like tedious work but I believe was worth it. It might turn out to be a healthier alternative since you made it at home and additives used in commercial corn chips were avoided.

  2. You are certainly industrious, Joan. I made my Korean meatball recipe for Jeremy to take to his friend's Superbowl party, doubling the recipe, and I must confess I grew a little weary of rolling meatballs for a bunch of big bruisers who would gulp them down in short order with no appreciation for all my hard work. At least, Jeremy brought me home a few ribs and a hot link!

  3. I do not want the recipe, I want the corn chips.

  4. I like making different things and this looks just right. I'm going to get the recipe and hopefully surprise (in a good way) my wife when she comes home. :)

  5. well that sounds like a lot of work but the corn chips do look good. Nice to be able to make them yourself then you know exactly what's going into them.

  6. Hi Chin-Chin- I'm sure they are healthier, but I'd have to like them a lot better to be willing to do this very often. They are ok, but not outstanding.

    Carmen- I know you know exactly what I'm talking about with three boys. It's called shovel it in, no one cares too much about savoring the experience!

    rainfield- if you visit, I will make you some!

    sisko- wow! Let me know what you think.

    Ann- yes, they certainly are simple in the contents, and I DO like that.


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