Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Just a Tweak

I have succeeded in making the main section of this blog wider so that I can make some of the pictures larger. The new background is made from delphiniums and tulips seen at the Philadelphia Flower Show, and I also made a new avatar for spring.


  1. I love the delphinium background. I also looking forward to the larger pictures.

  2. looking good. I like the background.

  3. Love the changes,and it is loading so much faster...I used to have problems with your blogposts loading very slowly!

  4. Yes, wider is good. The pictures will pop! :-)

  5. It does look roomier. Love the background!

  6. I noticed the new background! No more snow, Sharky. Please. I'm just ready for spring!

  7. Emma- Those shades of blue are really my favs, and with yellow is just WOW

    Ann- thanks... it came out so geometric- from a very casual picture

    Joan- huh... I haven't changed anything that I know of. I wonder why you had trouble with loading. Sorry to hear that, but I'm glad if it's better.

    Ferd- Let's hope... and not slow things down

    Ivy- Thanks. Those are some of my favorite colors

    Lin- I know... more white just doesn't cut it this time of year.


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