Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Two Surprises

I promised you one surprise, but of course, that meant that I knew what it would be. Turned out I had a surprise too. The Consumers Energy truck appeared in my driveway before 8 am. Someone had hit the power pole, and they were going to have to replace it. We wouldn't have electricity at least for the rest of the morning.

electric crew at work

So, I had to figure out what I could do instead of my usual morning computer work. I was glad that they had it all done by 12:30.

But the fun surprise is someone showed up today who is going to stay for a week. It's... Loretta! She decided to come on the spur of the moment, so we have no big special plans, but hopefully we can fit in a couple of interesting things. There's a trail club thing on Saturday, and who knows what else we may figure out.



  1. Wishing you and Loretta a great visit!

  2. Don't be surprise if I write you a mail saying I am coming!!!!

  3. The second surprise I'm sure is a very pleasant one. Unlike the first one; and yet, it's sub-surprise was that it didn't take them until tomorrow to finish. And that, too, is pleasant!

  4. Jean- thank you!

    rainfield- come ahead- we can hike, find bugs and speak to the trees

    vanilla- you are SO right!

    John- yup- she's really nice

  5. Hope you and Loretta have a wonderful visit.

  6. Well, I know how nice it is to have company. I can't believe how fast my visit with Meaux is going. We're almost at the end of her two week stay with me ( she leaves on Wed ) and we haven't done nearly half the things we've planned ( except we have gotten in a lot of the eating! ). It's been so wonderful, though.

  7. Ann- we are working on it- really hard!

    carmen- yup- activities can be lots of fun when shared. glad you are having a great time too.


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