Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

American Toad

Today was a really busy day. I had a lot of work assignments to do, and I didn't get them all done. I'll have to go out again tomorrow.

There were a lot of neat moments, seeing small lakes that are entirely private, hearing a loon (the eerie laughing sound that really defines the northern experience),rivers and creeks, lovely wooded roads, noticing that the trees are drying- looking fall-like, and birds are flocking.

But the only pictures I really got in detail are the humble American Toad. I nearly stepped on it!

American Toad

Toads and frogs are amphibians, and you can easily tell toads from frogs because their skin is generally drier. Of course there are some exceptions, but it's a good place to start.

They won't give you warts if you pick them up, but they may pee on you!

American Toad

See Guess What- More Rain for a green frog

Vicky and Joan go Frogging


  1. Great pictures of the American toad. I love finding toads. I think the main reason is that I can find them. This year I don't think I've seen any though.

  2. It is easier for me to locate a toad than a frog.

    I do not know why.

    Maybe the later would like to stay away from me.

  3. Ratty, rainfield- I think the toads ARE easier to find. They tend to hang out in drier places than the frogs, who need to stay moist. So you are likely to see them in the trail or a lawn.

  4. Hooray! Frog/toad day at Sharkey's place!!!

    We don't get toads in our yards here for some reason. I think we had once...but we looked at him so often, he took off. :( At least the water keeps my frogs here for the most part.

  5. Lin- I wonder if the toads don't like to be too close to the frogs? Frog and Toad Aren't Friends? not sure

  6. I guess it's better to be peed upon that to get warts!


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