Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Sharing a Sunset

I'm too tired tonight to do anything meaningful. I'll share my view of the sunset that Chuck showed you also. We live a couple hundred miles apart, but the weather front that produced the sunset was the same one, I think.

No work today... that got pushed to tomorrow. I'm going to bed. Will answer comments tomorrow too


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  1. Beautiful! Isn't it fun to know that you and a friend are sharing the same sunset even though you are very far away? Makes the world seem a little less big. :)

    I'm tired too. I think I'll follow your lead and forget the computer tonight too. G'nite, pally!

  2. I love this sunset. I'm glad you posted this picture at this time. Today I was thinking strongly of capturing a sunset from where I am. I never had the opportunity before, but where I am now I've seen some spectacular sunsets. The only problem now is that it's been cloudy all day.

  3. Very beautiful sky, kind of similar to ours last night too but today is all dark

  4. Here's a sunset at the beach that I can share with you...!

  5. Lovely photo, and it's especially poignant because Chuck had one, too! Here in NY, skies were the dull November gray that morning. It's been surprisingly mild so I can't complain. :)

  6. That was spectacular. Do you think we should tell Rebecca that most of our winters are dominated by lead gray skies?

  7. The sky is drunk.

    Though you are not.

    But both of you are tired.

  8. it's a beautiful sunset. Get some rest

  9. Jean- the red ones are awesome!

    Lin- it is! I probably wouldn't have used this pic at all except that it was the same as Chuck's

    Ratty- is it flat where you are? I think the flat areas of the world show off sunsets best sometimes

    betchai- we have to take good ones when we can- it will soon be gray almost every day

    sir rob- We all share that same red ball!

    Rebecca- we'll be gray, gray, gray all too soon

    Chuck- they get the same weather we do, a day later. Marie and I have been comparing notes for years.

    wenn- glad I brought you a smile!

    rainfield- is that what it's up to? Maybe I can catch a pink elephant sometime

    Ann- I slept 11 hours!

  10. It's flat in some places near me, but I live right at the northern edge of the Loess Hills, which are anything but flat. I think one of the nearby areas is actually considered to be a mountain. We get some excellent sunsets, but it's cloudy every time I think to get a picture.


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