Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Annual Christmas Picture

Somewhere along the line we started taking a picture like this since we've been in the "new" house.

Here's the 2011 version.

photo label

See Just Another Crazy Christmas for another of these pix.

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  1. I love it! The perfect occasion for a candy cane shirt.

    Happy holidays!!

  2. Awww, that is so nice of the four of you! I love Om's candy cane shirt!! :)

  3. It is a wonderful picture, Joan...I am so happy to see those smiling faces here in far away India.
    Wish you all joy in the New Year.

  4. Most excellent! May you add many more years to this picture series.

  5. What a nice family shot. I didn't get one this year. That Om sure is a festive guy, love that shirt


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