Entries to Win Afghan

Friday, April 6, 2012

F is for Frost

We all knew it was going to happen. All that early heat moved the plants into mid-May mode when it was only April. For lots of people this was a welcome, warm spring season.

For the people where I live, it's a recipe for disaster.

Many of the cherries are in full bloom.

cherry blossoms

Although there aren't many pear orchards, they are also in full bloom.

pear trees in bloom

In the woods, the serviceberry is blooming

serviceberry in bloom

So, we've had 3 nights of frost this week (see the frost on the car), and most of next week has that potential. According to the farmers, sweet cherry blossoms are fatally damaged at 25 degrees, and apples and sour cherries at 24 degrees. We got below that last night. Serviceberries are wild. I have no idea what temperatures they can survive.

frost on car

Last night, the county dipped down to 20, possibly even lower in a few areas. According to the paper at least half of the local cherry crop is lost. Of course, these are the caveats of farming, the weather can devastate a year's worth of hard work.

It's really tough on the economy. Many farmers live from crop to crop. And people will just gripe at the grocery stores because products are either unavailable or expensive.

As for the wild fruits- the loss of those is hard on wildlife. Serviceberry is a favorite food of many birds. Today, I found wild blueberries already in bloom. Lots of wild animals need the blueberries.

My few fruit trees seem to be all right so far. Of course, they are of personal concern, but I don't depend on the fruit for my livelihood.

Me? I'd rather have spring come slower and later, and have more fruit survive.

See more serviceberry
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  1. I know I sounded like a cranky old man, but I kept telling people as they basked in the 80 degree temperatures (in March) that we weren't done yet. And-BAM!-frost.
    It gave me no pleasure to know I was right.
    Or to have to mow the lawn with a sweatshirt on.

  2. But the flowery plants are pretty to be photographed.

  3. I had a hunch this would happen with many of the fruit trees this year.

  4. We've gotten cold days and nights this weekend. Not sure what may have gotten hit plant wuise down here as I cant grow anything without killing it but you guys losy half the cheeries? I LOVE cheeries :/

  5. This is also a concern here in MN. Love the early spring, but worried about the seasonal confusion for the plants.

    Play off the Page

  6. I loved that Spring seemed to come really early this year, but I too am worried about the trees and plants in our area. The temperatures dipped here too.

  7. Wow. Frost.
    The kids and I were bummed when we threw on out swim suits and found out that the pool water was still to cool. It's been in the high 70's to low 80's here in AZ. Can't imagine. :)
    Here from the A-Z challenge also. Thanks for stopping in!

  8. Dropped by on my A-Z blog tour. Good luck with the rest of the challenge.


  9. Many of my plants have suffered from this early warming and frosting as well.

  10. I'm amazed at how your weather is so similar to ours in southern England.
    Maybe amazed is too strong an emotion. I have noticed a coincidence in our weather patterns.
    Is amazed, an emotion?

  11. I agree! As pretty as those trees are, it always makes me sad to see them bloom before spring has really come.

  12. Beautiful photos. I was concerned about the early warm weather in March. It just seemed wrong to be out in shorts so early and the implications for the summer (at the least) are a little frightening.

  13. Ilove the cold weather and a bright crisp day is great. Now a new follower and thanks for the comments on my blog jollyjillys

  14. Love the photos, thanks for visiting my A to Z blog. Adding yours to my reading list. Can't promise to comment everyday, but will read every couple. LOL!

  15. My students here in Vermont were TOTALLY spoiled by the lowest winter snowfall EVER followed by 80 degree days in March....


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