Entries to Win Afghan

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Swimming and Slaw

I think something must be slipping... I forgot all about doing a blog post yesterday. I woke up in the middle of the night realizing I hadn't done one.

I was just going to show you where I swim, so I'll do that today. This was only the third day I've swum this summer, but today I went farther than I thought I'd be able to do so soon. I'm not fast, and my technique isn't fantastic, but I get there.

(Secret: I have really bad shoulders that like to dislocate, and I have to build them up, so I'm glad it's going well.)

The lake has a nice small beach. Most days there are quite a few families there, with kids in the water, but yesterday it was deserted. Fine with me... that way I don't have to watch out for boats.

Hackert Lake

I also made a big tub of cole slaw for my dinners this week. I always used to hand slice the cabbage and grate the carrots, but I recently discovered that I like the texture when it's coarsely ground with my Universal Grinder.

making cole slaw

Not a strenuous day. That's fine. Next week is going to be nuts.

See An Alien Snail
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  1. Now I want to get a head of cabbage and make some coleslaw. That sounds really good

  2. wanting to make some coleslaw here too....I love the lake view photo...so peaceful...

  3. Have identical Universal Grinder, but I can't swim worth a lick. Would enjoy some of your slaw, though.

  4. We went camping out at Will Oaks campground this weekend. Karen has a lovely little lake for swimming and floating in---which is exactly what we did ALL weekend. It's all we can do in this heat.

  5. Ann- not much seems to taste good to me when it's hot, but cole slaw does

    kulasa- if one likes cole slaw, it's really appealing! Thanks for stopping by

    rainfield- we are blessed with many lakes here in Michigan

    vanilla- I would share if you were here. Hey, what are we doing in August- each bringing something?

    Lin- you sure do get around to meeting bloggy people in real life!


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