Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Rainy Day Sparkles

Sorry about no post yesterday. I had another cold or something and went to bed really early, completely forgetting about the blog (I know, I know... how could that happen?). All seems to be well now.

That said, it rained all day today. And it was dark. Gray and chilly. A day one had to search for bright spots. I found some!


Which one do you like?



I'm expecting a friend to visit tomorrow (someone you haven't met), and there should be an adventure. Hopeful he will show up!

See After the Rain
See Rain on a Small Roof
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  1. All nice rainy-day photos. I particularly like the pastels in the first shot.

  2. All nice rainy-day photos. I particularly like the pastels in the first shot.

  3. All nice rainy-day photos. I particularly like the pastels in the first shot.

  4. Each has its own charm. The second shot with the simple lines is particularly nice.

  5. I like them all but if you are forcing me off the fence, number 2 followed by 3 then 1.
    Plus it rained here most of the day, so I did not manage any outdoor photos :(

  6. You've managed to find something beautiful on a miserable rainy day :-)

  7. Perfectly understandable. I've forgotten all about the blog on more than one occasion.
    I love all the pictures but the third is my favorite. It looks like little pearls decorating the branches

  8. How interesting that each of the photos got kudos. My personal favorite is #3, but I like the way the 5 pine needles in each bundle on #2 clutch the drop like the setting for a diamond in a ring. And the overall texture of #1 is interesting. Thanks for "playing!"

  9. I love the third one, but each one is unique with the reflections and droplets...

  10. Hello Sharkbytes! So nice stopping by to visit with you! These are lovely photos and really catch the rainy day mood.

    I have enjoyed perusing many of your posts ~ sweet place you have here!

    Kindly, Lorraine


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