Entries to Win Afghan

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Snow on Hamlin Dunes

You've seen these dunes before, but not like this!

This is frozen Hamlin Lake. You are looking across to point 5 on the map at Hamlin Lake, from just south of point 4. When I swam the lake it was from 4 to 5. But there wasn't any swimming today!

Hamlin Lake

Here are a couple of closer views. First is the south dune, and then the north dune. The look of snow on sand- the way they sort of mix- is always interesting.

Hamlin Lake dunes

Hamlin Lake dunes

I like visiting places in different seasons. You can see these same dunes in pictures at the two posts below

See So Slow but Undaunted
See Overheard on Hamlin Lake
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  1. This is wonderful place for visiting. So many thanks for sharing such wonderful place.

  2. So beautiful place. This really dream place.

  3. hello sharkbytes its dennis the vizsla dog hay hmm the water duz luk a bit kold for swimming at the moment duznt it??? not to menshun a bit solid!!! ok bye

  4. Nice pictures but I do prefer the sand dunes to the snow dunes...lol

  5. There is some merit in the "seasons" after all!

  6. I see what you mean about the snow and sand look.

  7. Oh wow! I don't think I have ever seen snow on the sand dunes. That is lovely.

  8. Red Maple- Thank you so much!

    My Complaint- ditto

    Dennis- you could skate fast and chase Darth Tater

    Ann- Either way you get sand in your teeth

    vanilla- always!

    John- I'll have to get better pix- didn't realize I hadn't showed this before.

    Lin- ditto

  9. The snow is pretty! I think I would prefer sand over snow dunes too.

  10. I have not been able to get warm since returning to San Francisco! Your photos today really have me shivering. They are beautiful but I would've had to have brandy fortification and the warmest down covering to be out in those temperatures!


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